

  • Disclosure of Information on the share transfer and establishment of an indirect subsidiary

    pdf (3936KB)

    16:48 02/08/2022
  • Disclosing of financial statements for Q2 - 2022 and Report of Corporate Governance of the first 6 months of 2022

    pdf (626KB)

    18:14 28/07/2022
  • Disclosure of information on the share transfer at an indirect subsidiary

    pdf (2301KB)

    14:20 20/07/2022
  • Disclosure of Information on 28th amendment of enterprise registration certificate

    pdf (1522KB)

    10:33 12/07/2022
  • Official letter of the State Securities Commission on the maximum foreign ownership ratio

    pdf (290KB)

    14:06 05/07/2022
  • Disclosure of information on the change of head office address, the selection of audit unit for financial statements of 2022, the implementation of the private stock offering plan and the application list for registration of a private stock offering

    pdf (12357KB)

    11:24 05/07/2022
  • Disclosure of Information on investment of purchasing shares, transfer of shares in indirect subsidiary, affiliate

    pdf (3866KB)

    11:20 01/07/2022
  • Curriculum vitae of internal person - Mr. Nguyen Van Nam

    pdf (758KB)

    11:32 20/06/2022
  • Curriculum vitae of internal person - Mrs. Le Thi Bich Hang

    pdf (852KB)

    11:29 20/06/2022
  • Curriculum vitae of internal person - Mrs. Le Thi Quynh

    pdf (817KB)

    11:28 20/06/2022
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