

  • Report on changes on ownership of major shareholders holding 5%

    pdf (539KB)

    11:46 12/08/2021
  • Report on changes on ownership of major shareholders holding 5%

    pdf (2440KB)

    13:30 09/08/2021
  • Report on changes on ownership of major shareholders holding 5%

    pdf (2482KB)

    10:00 09/08/2021
  • Report on changes on ownership of major shareholders holding 5%

    pdf (2431KB)

    15:44 06/08/2021
  • Report on changes on ownership of major shareholders holding 5%

    pdf (550KB)

    15:44 30/07/2021
  • Disclosing on the transfer of 51% shares at Giga1

    pdf (3803KB)

    16:43 30/06/2021
  • Disclosing on the transfer of capital contribution at Yeah1 Network Pte. LTD of a Subsidiary

    pdf (632KB)

    09:56 24/06/2021
  • Chairman Decision on Transferring a part of capital at Yeah1 Edigital JSC

    pdf (4501KB)

    15:11 19/05/2021
  • Disclosure on Meeting Minutes and Resolution of the 2021 AGM - BOD resolution & tax penalty021 and Decision on tax penalties

    pdf (11372KB)

    11:08 28/04/2021
  • Disclosure of information on the transfer of shares in Subsidiaries, announcement of the financial statements of Q1/2021 and the annual report of 2020

    pdf (3985KB)

    17:47 20/04/2021
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