Financial report

Financial report

  • Audited consolidated financial statements for the first half of 2023

    pdf (2611KB)

    20:10 29/08/2023
  • Reviewed Consolidate Financial Statement of a half of 2023

    pdf (5325KB)

    20:09 29/08/2023
  • Explanation of the reviewed separate financial statements of a half of 2023 10% difference compared to the same period

    pdf (416KB)

    11:47 23/08/2023
  • Reviewed separate financial statement of a half of 2023

    pdf (18487KB)

    16:55 22/08/2023
  • Audited separate financial statements for the first half of 2023

    pdf (19207KB)

    16:50 22/08/2023
  • Corrected Private financial statement of Quarter II 2023

    pdf (3962KB)

    09:32 03/08/2023
  • Explanation of difference of 10% compared to the same period

    pdf (452KB)

    18:29 27/07/2023
  • Single Financial Statement Quarter II 2023

    pdf (1440KB)

    18:27 27/07/2023
  • Consolidate Financial Statement of Quarter II 2023

    pdf (1969KB)

    18:15 27/07/2023
  • Explanation of difference of 10% compared to the same period

    pdf (483KB)

    17:13 27/04/2023
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