Shareholders' meeting

Shareholders' meeting

  • pdf (374KB)

    19:20 27/03/2020
  • Disclosure on approving the record day to organize the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020

    pdf (2696KB)

    17:36 02/03/2020
  • 2019 AGM Resolution

    pdf (369KB)

    13:37 16/05/2019
  • 2019 AGM Meeting Minutes

    pdf (570KB)

    13:34 16/05/2019
  • pdf (2737KB)

    11:49 09/05/2019
  • pdf (4693KB)

    22:10 08/05/2019
  • pdf (23292KB)

    22:09 08/05/2019
  • 2019 AGM Meeting Minutes (draft)

    pdf (60KB)

    19:29 04/05/2019
  • 2019 AGM Resolution (draft)

    pdf (369KB)

    19:28 04/05/2019
  • Working and voting regulation of AGM 2019

    pdf (54KB)

    19:27 04/05/2019
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