Shareholders' meeting

Shareholders' meeting

  • Proposal of amendments and supplements to the Charter of the Company

    pdf (1587KB)

    16:00 30/03/2018
  • Proposal of increasing of foreign ownership up to 100% after listing

    pdf (1206KB)

    16:00 30/03/2018
  • Proposal of stock listing

    pdf (1454KB)

    16:00 30/03/2018
  • Proposal of bonus shares issued to employees

    pdf (1401KB)

    16:00 30/03/2018
  • Proposal of issuance of shares to increase charter capital

    pdf (1739KB)

    16:00 30/03/2018
  • Proposal of profit distribution in 2017

    pdf (1446KB)

    16:00 30/03/2018
  • pdf (1438KB)

    16:00 30/03/2018
  • Report on business performance in 2017

    pdf (168KB)

    16:00 30/03/2018
  • Report of the Board of Directors in 2017

    pdf (153KB)

    16:00 30/03/2018
  • Proposal of Financial year 2018 auditor selection

    pdf (635KB)

    16:00 30/03/2018
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