Shareholders' meeting

Shareholders' meeting

  • Notice on candidate list of member of the BOD and member of the BOS

    pdf (1371KB)

    11:00 22/05/2023
  • Notice on conditions for nomination of member of the BOD and member of the BOS

    pdf (1135KB)

    19:56 11/05/2023
  • Report and Proposals submitted to the AGM 2023

    pdf (20834KB)

    19:54 11/05/2023
  • Regulations of organization at the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    pdf (2958KB)

    17:21 11/05/2023
  • Draft Regulations on candidacy, nomination and election of members of the BOB's and Supervisory Board at the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    pdf (4465KB)

    17:20 11/05/2023
  • Draft Internal Regulations on Corporate Governance Revised 2023

    pdf (12221KB)

    17:18 11/05/2023
  • Draft Regulations on the operation of the Board of Directors revised in 2023

    pdf (5879KB)

    17:18 11/05/2023
  • Draft Amended Charter 2023

    pdf (15954KB)

    17:17 11/05/2023
  • Draft Resolution of the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    pdf (555KB)

    17:16 11/05/2023
  • Voting form for 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

    pdf (577KB)

    17:13 11/05/2023
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